Hi, I am Pravar Gupta

front-end dev and designer

What I do

Design + Development

I am succeeded in gaining knowledge about various programming languages such as HTML, JAVA, CSS, Python and C++. I have also been working on my frontend development skills and improving it.


I have a great knowledge about photograph and I am confident enough that I could capture amazing snaps without having an advance camera gear.

Graphic Design

I have a little knowledge about graphic designing and I have done it before too. I may not perfect but could definately make a good designs which may come out unique then others.

My Work

Who I am

Designer & developer

Hello, my name is Pravar Gupta, and I am a Vit-Ap student pursuing CSE Business Systems. I am currently working as a Special Mentions Monitor for the CSI Chapter. My experience with CSI has been both inspiring and enthralling.

I joined CSI Special Mentions with no technical skills but with dedication and support I climbed up the ladder and gathered enough knowledge which made me recognisable to others. Till now I have learned various technical skills such as HTML5, CSS3, Python, C++. I want to be fluent with as many technicals and non-technicals skills as possible.

pravar just posing

My Work

A selection of my range of work.